Gamifying the mountain experience
case study
In 2010 at mountain resorts across the country, the skiing and snowboarding experience feels like the same thing, season after season. Vail Resorts wanted to create something new and innovative for their pass holders and extend the customer relationship beyond the average 6 days of skiing to 365 days a year.
The solution was creating an entirely new experience and brand for Vail called EpicMix. A new mobile (OS & Android) and desktop application free with all hard passes, that allows skiers to connect with friends and family, track their vertical feet and lift rides, broadcast messages, autoshare accomplishments on Facebook and Twitter, check mountain conditions, and earn digital Pins for on-mountain achievements and exploration.
Users earn points for their digital pins and vertical feet skied or boarded, and can see how they rank against their Facebook friends and other users on the EpicMix leaderboards.
It was an end-to-end product & brand creation project for them. From the idea of gamifying the mountain, name, brand design, UX, marketing, and tech production.
Nike+ Meets Gowalla in Vail Resorts App for Skiers and Snowboarders
Figuring out all the ways to earn pins on the mountain was one of the funnest part of creating EpicMix.
The hardest part was designing all the pins.

10% INCREASE IN skier visits to Vail Resort MTNs.
7.4% YOY INCREASE lift ticket revenue
LED TO Fast Company NAMING VAIL "Most Innovative Companies"
implemented AT RESORTS around the globe